The national scientific-practical conference with international participation CONFERINŢA ŞTIINŢIFICO-PRACTICĂ NAŢIONALĂ CU PARTICIPARE INTERNAŢIONALĂ

For  the teaching staff from the preuniversitary and universitary institutions

Tiraspol State University

The Faculty of Pedagogy

in partnership with

The PED Theoretical Lyceum “ORIZONT”

Is inviting YOU as an active participant in the works of the national scientific-practical conference with international participation


“Axiological orientations of constructivism in modern education”

which is due to take place on January 30– February 1,  2020

The event is addressed to researchers, teaching staff, managers, specialists in the Science of Education and to those interested in educational issues.

The scientific conference has the purpose of disseminating the successful experience of parties involved in the educational process; ensuring the didactic transposition of successful models and experiences in delivering high quality education; performing the transfer of current scientific innovations in educational practice.

The scientific forum  will include the following workshops:

  1. Orientations and valorisation tendencies of constructivism in preschool and primary education.

Moderators: Mîsliţchi Valentina, Associate Professor, STU; Ţurcan Rodica, Deputy Director, 1st teaching degree, TL „Orizont”;

  • Holistic approaches in the realization of contructivist education in secondary and high school.   Moderators: Golubițchi Silvia, Associate Professor., TSU; Șofron Larisa, Deputy Director, Associate Professor, TL „Orizont”;
  • The contructivist teacher – a postmodern paradigm  in vocational training.

Moderators: Botnari Valentina, PhD, Univeristy Lecturer TSU;  Dragalina Svetlana, Superior teaching degree., TL „Orizont”;

  • Models and experiences in constructivist instruction as an alternative to the students’ formation.

Moderators: Silistraru Nicolae, PhD, University Professor, Chirică Galina, PhD and Associate Professor., STU.


 The electronic version of the article shall be edited in Word and shall be included in the maximum number of 5-10 pages.

The scientific article shall include the following main aspects:

 title (English, Romanian);

  • information about the authors (name, surname, affiliation);
  • summary (English, Romanian);
  • key-words;
  • introduction;
  • methods and materials used (optional);
  • results obtained and discussions (optional);
  • conclusions;
  • biographical references.

 The TITLE shall be written in the language of the article and in English, using the following parameters: capitalized letters, bold, centred text, font Times New Roman, size 13.

The complete Name and Surname of each author shall be written form a new line, centred, followed by the scientific title and the affiliation (the institution which the author works in).

The Summaries (200-500 characters or 75-100 words) shall be written in Romanian and English, being edited without indentation, with left-right alignment and the font size 11.

The key-words in the Romanian and English shall include 3-7 conceptual terms, which shall be edited using the same format as within the summaries (without indentation, with left-right alignment and with the font size 11).

The text of the article shall have the following parameters: font Times New Roman, font size – 13, left-right alignment, space between rows 1,25, sheet size A4, page fields: top, bottom, left, right – 2 cm.

The figures (photographs, images, charts, schemes) shall be placed in the centre, directly after a certain reference in the text. Below the figure it is necessary to indicate the record number and respective legend, with a centred title, without Bold.

The place of the event: Ghenadie Iablocikin 5 str., Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.

IMPORTANT: Both the full form and the summary of the articles shall be submitted until January 10, 2020 in electronic format via email to the following email address :, stating clearly the author’s/coauthour’s name, their place of work, phone number or email address where they can be contacted, or online (click here).

Each of the participants in the Conference (author/coauthor) will receive at the end of the event a participation diploma and the Compilation with the published articles.

Place of the event: 5 Ghenadie Iablocikin Street, 10/2 Mircea cel Bătrân Street, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

            We invite you to be an active participant

Registration starts at 9:30, SUT, str. Iablocikin, 5

More information at: tel: 022 33  97 77