Mobilitate academică de formare la Universitatea din Leipzig, Germania
Dear TSU collaborators,
Tiraspol State University calls for candidates among PhD scientific advisers and Tutorship Committee of the Doctoral School for the Staff Mobility for Training in the field of Social Sciences and Humanities, Mathematics/Computer Science and Natural Sciences within the Erasmus + KA107 programme at the University of Leipzig, Germany, in May-June of the academic year 2021-2022.
The candidate’s file will be submitted to the Department of Research, Innovation and International Relations, TSU, until April 13, 2022.
The candidate should identify the events into the Institute to involve in during the mobility.
The candidate’s file will contain:
- Application form
- Copy of the identity card;
- Copy of passport valid for at least 6 months after the expiration of the mobility period;
- CV in English;
- Letter of Motivation in English;
- Certificate confirming skills of intermediate/advanced level of the English or German language (the romance languages or Russian may be considered only with regard to the subject to be taught and approval from the host institution);
- Certificate confirming the TSU employee status;
- Vaccination certificate may be asked by the host HEI;
- Other certificates that you think are relevant.