Human resources


The Human Resources Department is a structural subdivision of the university and operates in accordance with the Decisions of the Parliament, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research of the Republic of Moldova, the Labor Code of the Republic of Moldova, the University Charter, the Internal Regulations, the Rector’s Provisions. The Human Resources Department is directly subordinated to the Rector of the university. The staff of the department is hired based on the contract and the order of the rector. Dismissal is carried out by order of the rector. The Human Resources Department works in the composition of: the head of the department, two senior inspectors, the senior chancellor inspector, the legal consultant, the typist, the archivist, the visa inspector, the courier.

Guștiuc Andrei

Secția Resurse Umane

The head of the Human Resources Department is responsible for:

directing the activity of the service employees and observing the legislation in force, the Labor Code of the Republic of Moldova, the provisions and instructions in the field; organizing work and creating working conditions for subordinates; concluding individual employment contracts with new employees; completion of orders (employment, release, transfer, leave); legitimacy of orders; perfecting and recording workbooks; carrying out the employment activities of the university graduates; records of scientific – teaching and auxiliary staff; elaboration of contracts, internal regulations, etc .; authentication of documents; checking and approving timesheets; advising employees; preparing and submitting actions in the judicial institutions on behalf of the university in case of infringement of the rights and interests of the university; carrying out the control over the fulfillment of the judgments of the courts.

II. List of employees

Mihalachi Angela, Chief Inspector

The Chief Inspector of the Human Resources Department is responsible for:
up-to-date student files; issuing study papers to full-time students; transferring to the university archive the files of expelled students; keeping teachers’ files and cards in order; hiring, transferring, firing, completing the individual employment contract and the orders regarding the teachers; completing the employment certificates of the graduates; restitution of documents submitted for university registration; military records; quarterly statistical report on teachers.

Iachim Maria, Chief Inspector

The Chief Inspector of the Human Resources Department is responsible for: the files of the students of the section with reduced frequency; issuing documents to students and employees in the administrative-household sector; the transmission in the university archive of the files of the expelled students; completion of draft orders regarding employment, dismissal, transfer of administrative-household staff and leave orders; maintaining in order the T2 cards, the files of the employees from the administrative-household sector; checking the quality of completing the timetable tables by the heads of the university subdivisions.

Miron Viorica , Archivist

The archivist is responsible for: the record of the documents from the university archive according to the standard nomenclature for the targeted subdivision;
issuing certificates at the request of collaborators, students.

Melinte Victoria , Curier

The courier is responsible for: the effectiveness of the distribution of correspondence received to all subdivisions of the university;
sending correspondence from all subdivisions of the university to foreign recipients.