Faculty of Biology and Chemistry

The Faculty of Biology and chemistry is one of the first faculties of the Tiraspol State University, which aims to organize and conducting the instructional-educational process, the accomplishment of the didactic activities, educational and scientific research for different fields/ specialties, both of the first cycle and the second cycle.

The basic tasks of the faculty are:

  • Training of qualified staff through higher education (bachelor, master), doctorate and postdoctoral.
  • Coordination of the teaching and research activities of the teaching staff and implementation of their results.
  • Training of specialists through day education, low frequency education and through continuous vocational training programs.
  • Quality assurance of studies.

The position and image enjoyed by the Faculty of Biology and Chemistry at present have been won by the permanent effort of the academic community that has built and strengthened this faculty during the eighty-eight years since its founding in 1930.

The academic programs offered by the Faculty of Biology and Chemistry are diverse, being correlated with the current needs of the labor market. The diversity of the academic programs we offer is a result of the permanent collaboration with the pre-university and scientific institutions, but also the close connection we have with the graduates of our faculty. In 2015, at Faculty was internationally accredited the Biology and Chemistry program, cycle I by the experts of the German Quality Assurance Agency (AQAS) and we received the Accreditation Certificate for the period up to September 30, 2021. The other programs of the Cycle I are nationally accredited by ANACIP experts (currently ANACEC). 

The Faculty of Biology and Chemistry offers its students not only academic opportunities, but also unforgettable experiences, high quality human relations and a stimulating learning environment oriented towards performance.

Our commitments for the future are aimed at increasing the quality of learning and research processes, internationalizing activities by establishing partnerships with various institutions abroad.

After completing the studies, graduates can work in the following fields:

  • Gymnasium, high school, collegiate and university institutions.
  • Enterprises of the food industry, wine making, tobacco processing, hetero oleaginous, oilseed plants, in the bacteriological laboratories of the institutions of profile and curative, the sanitary-epidemiological stations of the Public Health Centers.
  • Ecological services for environmental protection and biodiversity conservation of the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment, the association ,,Moldsilva”, etc.
  • Research institutes of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research of the Republic of Moldova with profile: Biology, Chemistry, Ecology, Plant protection.
  • Graduates of cycle I can continue their studies at cycle II.

If you are interested in a quality educational process, we urge you to take the first step in a new world of knowledge at faculty of Biology and Chemistry.