Faculty of Pedagogy

The Faculty of Pedagogy was founded in 1979 (declared the International Year of the Child by UNESCO). The mission of the Faculty of Pedagogy is to train highly qualified specialists in the field of Education Sciences, competitive on the national and international labor market, able to meet the demands of the times and contribute to the prosperity of society.

The Faculty of Pedagogy offers accredited academic programs in the specialties:

        Cycle I, Bachelor’s degree

         Full-time education:

  • Pedagogy in primary education and preschool pedagogy (240 credits – 4 years of study)
  • Pedagogy in primary education and English language (240 credits – 4 years of study
  • Pedagogy in primary education and psychopedagogy (240 credits – 4 years of study
  • Pedagogy in primary education (180 credits – 3 years of study)
  • Psychopedagogy (180 credits – 3 years of study)
  • Preschool pedagogy (180 credits – 3 years of study)

        Part-time education:

  • Pedagogy in primary education (180 credits – 4 years of study)
  • Preschool pedagogy (180 credits – 4 years of study)
  • Psychopedagogy (180 credits – 4 years of study)

        Cycle II, Master’s degree:

  • Pedagogy and methodology of primary education (120 credits – 2 years of study)
  • Psychopedagogy of pre-university education (120 credits – 2 years of study)
  • Social and family psychology (120 credits – 2 years of study)
  • Management of preschool education (120 credits – 2 years of study)
  • Psychology and educational counseling (120 credits – 2 years of study)
  • Innovation management and educational entrepreneurship (120 credits – 2 years of study)
  • Project management in educational and research organizations (120 credits – 2 years of study)

The graduate of the Faculty of Pedagogy can hold various positions:

  • Primary school teacher;
  • Educator;
  • Methodist in preschool education institutions;
  • English teacher in primary and general education institutions;
  • Psychologist, educational counselor;
  • Social psychologist;
  • Family psychologist;
  • Manager in general education;
  • Trainer for teachers and parents;
  • Psychopedagogue – scientific researcher in psychology and pedagogy;
  • Specialist in the psychopedagogy of general education;
  • Psycho-pedagogical consultant;
  • Counselor in interpersonal relationships;
  • Specialist in the field of preschool education: manager, university assistant, educational consultant in the field of preschool education, coordinator, consulting specialist in MEC, NGOs that have object of activity – education, care and assistance of children, coordinator of educational programs / projects;
  • Psychologist in the multidisciplinary team focused on the issue of social inclusion of subjects with special needs, etc.

Over the years, the Faculty of Pedagogy has established collaboration relations with specialized institutions in Poland (Pedagogical University of Krakow), Romania (University of Bucharest, University of Craiova, “Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, “Al. I. Cuza” University” from Iasi, Casa Corpului Didactic from Suceava), Ukraine (The National University from Cernauti, Национальный Педагогический Университет имени „М. П. Драгоманова”, Национальный Университет Черниговский Коллегиум имени „Т. Г. Шевченко”), Belarus (Minsk University) , Canada (University of Ottawa) et al. Partnerships with traditional faculties in the country and abroad offer both students and teachers the opportunity to benefit from academic mobility.

If you want to become a highly qualified specialist, you are welcome at the Faculty of Pedagogy!