Center for Psychological Assistance, Career Guidance and Counseling

I. General information

Glavan Aurelia

PhD, associate professor
Head of Center

The Center for Psychological Assistance, Career Guidance and Counseling of UST is integrated into the structure of the Department of Counseling, Career Guidance and Promotion of the teacher’s image of the Chisinau-based Tiraspol State University (UST). It’s academically subordinated to the university senate and administratively to the UST rector and the relevant vice-rector.

II. Mission, Aims and Objectives

The mission of the Center is to support university excellence through psychological research and to promote good practices of innovation transfer. It’s ensuring and promoting an environment for personal development, by offering a wide range of psychological assistance services to students and teachers.

The aim of the Center is to make strategic contributions in order to sensitize the academic community to psychological research by conducting university research activities; to provide psychological services to young people in the educational system as to overcome problematic situations that may affect the student experience throughout it; to facilitate the educational and professional development of current and future professionals.

The objectives of the Center:

  • to design, implement as well as cover the innovative psychological research in the media, in order to harness on the experiences of psychological innovations transfer in university practice;
  • to stimulate the motivation of students, master students, doctoral students for career advancement through scientific research activity;
  • media coverage of institutional experiences of research and transfer of psychological innovations;
  • to provide psychological and educational assessment, psychological and educational assistance and counseling services to students and staff of Tiraspol State University;
  • to ensure and promote a favorable, secure environment in terms of organizational and academic stress through stress management activities;
  • to support and integrate people with disabilities in the academic environment.

III. Directions of activity and services offered

Directions of activity and services offered

  1. Psychological Counseling
  2. Stress management
  3. Support and integration of people with disabilities
  4. Educational counseling and career guidance

The potential beneficiaries of the services provided by the Center can be:

  1. UST students, regardless of the study program they attend or the form of education, including students who come to study through mobility programs;
  2. persons with disabilities in the university environment, who due to medically certified conditions (physical, sensory, mental, mental or associated, temporary or permanent), require special measures to facilitate their equal access to academic, social and cultural activities carried out by the university;
  3. the scientific-didactic and auxiliary staff within UST.

Using the infrastructure and human resources of Tiraspol State University, the Center provides psychological, educational and career guidance services in a supportive and confidential manner, combining online solutions with face-to-face meetings, always monitoring the efficiency and the needs of professionals.

IV. Contact Information

Address: Center for Psychological Assistance, Career Guidance and Counseling, Ghenadie Iablocikin Street 5, Office 408, MD-2069, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova