General information


 The Faculty of Pedagogy was founded in 1979 (the year declared by UNESCO the International Year of the Child). At the end of the 80’s of the last century, the Faculty had become the largest faculty within the State University of Tiraspol (at that time known under the name of State Pedagogical Institute “T. G. Sevcenco” of Tiraspol). Currently, about 1000 students are studying within the Faculty of Pedagogy.

The management of the Faculty of Pedagogy was performed in different periods by the following deans: Marinescu Dumitru, PhD, associate professor (1979-1984); Gutu Vasile, PhD, associate professor (1984-1989); Gello Valentina, PhD, associate professor (1989-1992); Boian Ilie, PhD, associate professor (1993-1996); Panico Vasile, PhD, associate professor (1992-1993; 1996-2016); Chirica Galina, PhD, associate professor (2016 – until now).

In accordance with current tendencies and requirements of development of the higher education, the Faculty of Pedagogy is orienting its activity towards achievement of the following strategic objectives: ensuring a quality educational process focused on the student, that will contribute to training of the professional competences of the teachers involved in the primary education and pre-school education; designing and assessing didactic activities in the spirit of modern curricular orientations, compliant with the European education’s requirements; elaborating and promoting fundamental and applied scientific activities in the field of Education Sciences; developing a coherent continuous training system targeted on teachers in the field of Education Sciences.

The education process reform within the Faculty of Pedagogy is oriented towards the implementation of a modern curriculum, focused on the student’s personality, on the unit of pedagogical science and practice, on the unit of training and self-training, on the prospective nature of training, on the inter- and transdisciplinary integration.

As regulated by the provisions of the Bologna process, the Faculty is currently establishing bilateral links with European universities and is organizing the academic mobility of students and teachers.

The Faculty of Pedagogy has an experienced teaching staff holding scientific titles of habilitated doctors and doctors of pedagogical and psychological sciences, that has the basic mission of professional, scientific, psycho-pedagogical and methodological training of young people.

In this regard, the activity of the Faculty of Pedagogy is focused on the following dimensions: training of the future specialists in the vocational training field of Education Sciences for obtaining the competences necessary for exercising the attributions of a: teacher, teacher in a pre-school institution, school psychologist, English school teacher, manager in a pre-school institution; continuous training and improvement of the qualification of teachers in the primary and pre-school institutions through training courses within nominated specialties; theoretical and applied research in the field of Education Sciences.

Students have the opportunity to develop their skills, talents, interests in various extracurricular activities: literature, musical and theatrical clubs, sports sections. Scientific interests can be developed by participating in the Student Scientific Society, within national and international scientific conferences, competitions for scholarships and International Academic Mobility Programs, etc. Graduates have the opportunity to continue their studies through master and PhD programs, to participate in different national and international competitions.


Currently, the teaching staff of the Faculty is composed of 32 teachers, as follows: 2 university professors, habilitated doctors, 1 interim university professor, 16 university lecturers, PhDs, 9 university lecturers.

 Cadre Didactice de la facultatea de pedagogie UST


The assets of the Faculty consist of 12 study rooms, classrooms with modern computers and high-performance digital equipment. The Faculty Departments have two specialized laboratories with optimal conditions for studies and research: the Methodology of primary education and Psycho-pedagogy Laboratory and the Pre-school Education Laboratory. The libraries of the departments, of the University, as well as various didactic and methodological materials are available for carrying out the didactic and research activities.

The entire logistics basis ensures optimum conditions in training of future specialists. In this regard, a special role is held by the bases for pedagogical and psychological practices at the pre-university educational institutions from the municipality, as well as from the Republic, with which collaboration contracts are concluded.


The Faculty pays special attention to the employment of graduates of cycle I issue, that, depending on the program studied, have the right to be employed in institutions of general education as teachers of primary classes, teachers or alternatively, Methodists in pre-school institutions; English teachers in primary and general education institutions. Such graduates have the opportunity to be employed in community education centres or general education institutions as psychologists, psycho-pedagogues, educational counsellors.

The qualifications obtained allow graduates to work in the following fields: research in the Pedagogy of primary education and preschool Pedagogy; in the field of English Philology; counselling in primary and pre-school public institutions; family counselling; in the field of psycho-pedagogy, educational psychology, assistance in psycho-pedagogy, counselling in psycho-pedagogy, general education pedagogy.

The graduate of the cycle I can continue the studies at cycle II (master’s degree) in a program within the same field of vocational training at the basic specialty or at another specialty in another field of vocational training, subject to accumulating the necessary credits, according to the study program requested and the Regulation in force.

The graduates of cycle II, depending on the studied program, can be included in the general education as teachers within primary education institutions, managers in the general education, researcher in the field of Educational Sciences, advisor in the field of Educational Sciences, trainer for professionals from primary education institutions, parents’ trainer, Methodist pedagogue, school guidance counsellor and career counsellor; manager of the preschool institution (director, Methodist), coordinator in the structures of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research, of the Quality Commissions in the field of pre-school education, NGOs that have as the object of activity – education, care and assistance of children, coordinator of educational programs / projects; psycho-pedagogue – scientific researcher in the field of psychology and pedagogy, specialist in the psycho-pedagogy of pre-university education, consultant in the field of psycho-pedagogy, researcher and practitioner in the fields of pedagogy and psychology, specialist in educational policies, specialist in psychological and pedagogical assistance; social psychologist, family psychologist, family counsellor, interpersonal counsellor.

The specialist holding the master’s degree in one of the programs offered by the Faculty of Pedagogy can act as a university assistant and continue his studies at the III cycle, PhD.


Students of the Faculty of Pedagogy can annually obtain scholarships in the universities of Romania, Poland, Italy, Ukraine, Russia etc., both students and teaching staff being involved in the academic mobility programs.


The Departments of the Faculty perform several scientific research activities, which the students are also involved in. Faculty researchers have published over 260 articles within the last 5 years in national and international scientific journals and papers, are participating in scientific communications at various national and international scientific conferences, both in the country and abroad, are authors to monographs, manuals, methodological guides, course supports which are used in the training process, leading to improvement of the quality of studies.