The Department of Human, Regional Geography and Tourism


Sochircă Elena

PhD, Associate Professor
The Head of the Department

The Department of Human, Regional Geography and Tourism is a basic subdivision of the Faculty of Geography, which organizes and conducts teaching, methodical and scientific activities in the field of Education Sciences, Earth Sciences and Public Services.

In 2018, was initiated the program of higher education with a double degree in the second cycle, master’s degree in Strategic Management in Tourism – Tourism and Regional Development, Faculty of History and Geography, “Ștefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, Romania.

The fundamental elements for carrying out the mission of the Department correspond to those of the Faculty of Geography and the State University of Tiraspol and provide:
• generating and transferring knowledge to society through scientific research and education;
• initial and continuous training at higher level of specialists in the field of Education Sciences, Earth Sciences, Public Services able to satisfy, through professional insertion, the skills need of the socio-economic environment;
• personal development of students in the spirit of individual and collective creation;
• promoting the image of the pedagogue by training highly qualified specialists in the field of Education Sciences;
• contributing to the progress of basic and applied sciences through scientific research, innovation and technology transfer;
• promoting the free exchange of opinions and valuable information and experience;
• promoting European values in the scientific, cultural and educational fields, through international academic cooperation.


The Department of Human, Regional Geography and Tourism history noted different transformations. The faculty of Geography was established in October 30, 1938 in the frame of Pedagogical State Institute from Tiraspol. The educational process was organized at two departments: The General Physical Geography and The Economic Geography. During 50 years the third department was founded – The Regional Geography and Geography Didactics Department. In 2002 the departments were reorganized and there was formed the Department of Human, Regional Geography and Tourism as a result of uniting the Economic Geography and the Regional Geography and Geography Didactics Departments.

The founder of Geography Faculty was Macarie Radul, a great scientist, who laid the foundation of Economic Geography of the Republic of Moldova. Professor Macarie Radul represented the polarizing and dynamic element in the process of organization and function of the Economic Geography Department. Macarie Radul elaborated the first socio-economic description of the republic during the post-war period, where he distinguished 4 economic regions with specific pecularities – the North, the Central, the South and the South-East regions. Macarie Radul guided the process of elaboration of the first Geographical Atlas of S.S.R.M., which included 128 maps that reflected all the components of the geographical environment, population and economic activity.

During that period a group of highly qualified teachers worked in the frame of the Economic Geography Department: Mihail Todica – Doctor in Geography, Associate Professor, Head of the Department, Iulita Rusu – Doctor of Geography, Associate Professor, David Mirski – Doctor of Pedagogy, Olga Negreanu – Lecturer, Ester Braţlavskaia – Lecturer, Ludmila Bealkovskaia – Lecturer. In 1964 Matei Mîtcu whowas employded as university assistentjoined the teaching staff. That group of professionals laid the foundation of the Economic Geography Department consolidated during the first decades of the post-war period. During 1960- 1970 the head of the department was Olga Negreanu.

During the years 1970-1980 the Economic Geography Department was completed with highly qualified staff: Sezont Ciubară, Valeriu Botnaru, Tudor Strişcă, Constantin Dobîndă, Mihai Burla, who continued their PhD studies in different scientific centres – Geography Institute of S.A., Soviet Union (S. Ciubară), Moscow State University (V. Botnaru, T. Strişcă, C. Dobîndă), Sankt Petersburg State University (M. Burla). During 1980-1998 the Heads of the Department were: Iulita Rusu, Valeriu Botnaru, Sezont Ciubară.

Highly qualified teachers have been working at the Department of Human, Regional Geography and Tourism during the period of 1954 to 1980 known in the republic and abroad: T. Şceglov, PhD, Associate Professor; N. Rîmbu, PhD , Associate Professor; D. Onilov, Lecturer; B. Mihul, PhD, Associate Professor; N. Boboc, PhD, Associate Professor; V. Guţuleac, PhD, Associate Professor; D. Grăjdeanu, Lecturer; V. Gorohovscaia, PhD, Associate Professor; V. Omelianov, PhD, Associate Professor. Since 1980 the teaching staff has been completed by young teachers: V. Efros, PhD, Associate Professor; A. Prepeliţa, Lecturer; P. Drumea, PhD, Associate Professor; P. Prunici, PhD, Associate Professor; V. Ţapeş, PhD, Lecturer. During this period, they acted as head of department Tatiana Şceglov (1954-1971), N. Boboc (1971-1982), E. Feldman (1983-1984), N. Rîmbu (1985-2001).

After the evacuation of Pedagogical State Institute from Tiraspol to Chișinău (1992) following the military conflict triggered by the separatist forces from Tiraspol, at the Economic Geography Department activated: S. Ciubară (Head of the Department), Valeriu Botnaru, M. Mîtcu, V. Mamot, V. Sochircă, M. Revenco, V. Fedco and others. At the Department of Human, Regional Geography and Tourism activated: N. Rîmbu (Head of the Department), N. Boboc, V. Efros, A. Prepeliţă, Gh. Niculiţă, P. Prunici, P. Drumea.

Structure of the Department of Economic Geography (90s)
Structure of the Department of Regional Geography and Didactics of Geography, (2000)
Members of the Department of Human and Economic Geography in 1998 (Sochircă V., Baciu S., Mamot V., Botnaru V., Fedco V., Revenco M., Mâtcu M. – head of Department)

After 1992 young teachers of the departments continued their postuniversity studies at different scientific centres from Moldova and Romania: Valeriu Fedco (Cluj-Napoca University), Vitalie Sochircă, Victor Ţapeş şi Marcel Revenco („A. I. Cuza” University, Iaşi), Petru Prunici (Ecology Institute), Vitalie Mamot (M.S.U.).

In 2002 the departments were reorganized and the Economic Geography, Regional Geography and Geography Didactics Departments were united forming the Human, Regional Geography and Tourism Department. During that period, the number of specialization increased: Geography and Informatics, Tourism, Geography (single speciality), so the number of disciplines also increased. There were introduced some disciplines from Tourism, Geography, Economy, Statistics, methods of reseach in Geography etc. The department was completed with young teachers, former students of Geography Faculty of TSU: Tudor Castraveţ, Iurie Bejan and Elena Sochircă.

During 2004-2009 the Heads of the Department were: V.Mamot, Lecturer (2005-2006); V.Botnaru, PhD, Associate Professor (2006-2007); V. Maxim, PhD, Associate Professor (2007-2009). The department also was completed with young teachers: L. Căpăţînă, E. Jechiu, V. Cujbă, V. Guşan, E. Beregoi, who continued their doctoral studies.

Currently the Department of Human, Regional Geography and Tourism is completed with highly qualified teachers: 8 full time teachers and 6 part-time teachers. The full-time teachers are: Petru Prunici, PhD, Associate Professor; Elena Sochircă, PhD, Associate Professor; Elena Taban, PhD, Associate Professor; Vadim Cujbă, PhD, Associate Professor; Vitalie Mamot, Lecturer; Afanasie Prepeliţă, University Lecturer; Lucia Căpăţînă, University Lecturer; Elena Jechiu, University Lecturer; Silvia Suvac, University Lecturer. The head of the department is Elena Sochircă, PhD, Associate Professor.

During 2012-2018, the position of head of department was held by Petru Prunici, associate professor, doctor. During this period, teaching and research activities are carried out at the level of higher education standards in the Republic of Moldova. The teachers of the department have developed course materials, methodological guides for subjects taught at the department, teaching papers for students and teachers in general education (geography curriculum, textbooks, teaching aids). In this sense, the teachers from the department participated in the elaboration of geography textbooks and auxiliaries for the gymnasium classes (Prunici P., Sochircă E., Mamot V.); school geographical atlases (Mamot V.). The professors of the Department participate in the teaching of the courses in the Lifelong education and Retraining Programs of geography teachers in general education.

In order to exchange good educational and research practices, teachers benefit from continuing professional training, academic mobility in various academic institutions and universities both in the country and abroad: Pedagogical University of Krakow (Poland) – Mamot Vitalie; University of Craiova (Romania) – Mamot Vitalie, Cujba Vadim; Akdeniz University of Antalya (Turkey) – Sochircă Elena, Mamot Vitalie.

At the same time, the involvement of teachers in the accreditation process of the specialties from the first cycle, bachelor’s degree, to the fields of studies Education Sciences and Public Services is attested. During this period, all specialties from cycle I are accredited.

The scientific activity of the department is focused on the evaluation of human development in the Republic of Moldova from the perspective of socio-human, natural and tourist resources in the context of training staff/specialists in the general fields of studies Education Sciences and Public Services. The research directions of the department are focused on:

  • Evaluation of human development in the Republic of Moldova – geographical and geoinformational approach;
  • Changes and spatio-temporal trends of environmental components in the Republic of Moldova under anthropogenic impact;
  • Tourism in the Republic of Moldova through the relationship efficiency-profitability-performance;
  • Geography education – skills for the present and the future.

In 2019, the units of the Department of Social Sciences were attached to the Department of Human Geography, Regional and Tourism, and the department was completed with two more members: Rodica Maistru, associate professor, doctor and Vasile Creţu, doctor. In the last five years, the doctoral theses in geonomical sciences have been defended by Vadim Cujbă (2015) and Silvia Suvac (2020) and in history – by Vasile Creţu (2020). In 2021 the doctoral theses in geonomical sciences have been defended by Vitalie Mamot and Lucia Căpățînă. Currently, the department includes highly qualified teachers in the field, interested in carrying out teaching and research at an efficient level. Within the department there are 11 teachers, full-time and 4 full-time teachers. The tenured teachers of the department are: Petru Prunici, PhD, associate professor; Elena Sochircă, PhD, associate professor; Elena Taban, PhD, Associate Professor; Vadim Cujbă, PhD, lecturer; Rodica Maistru, PhD, associate professor; Vasile Cretu, PhD, lecturer; Vitalie Mamot, PhD, associate professor; Prepelița Afanasie, assistant professor; Silvia Suvac, PhD, assistant professor; Lucia Căpăţînă, PhD, lecturer; Elena Jechiu, university assistant. Elena Sochircă, PhD, associate professor, holds the position of head of department.

In fact, in recent decades, department heads have been constantly reshaping their work style, as required by the new Education Code. Teachers are concerned, on the one hand, with some problems of education in the middle and high school levels (elaboration of the high school curriculum, of the practical recommendations for the application of the curriculum, elaboration of the school textbooks, etc.); on the other hand, the development of university teaching is the key objective of teachers. Teachers have to achieve the following objectives: 1) the training of competent specialists, able to integrate as quickly as possible on the labor market; 2) cultivating moral qualities for young university students, such as: honor, honesty, sense of duty, mutual understanding, tolerance, etc .; 3) further modernization of the university curriculum in accordance with the requirements of the labor market; 4) the use in the didactic process of modern technologies; 5) intensifying the development of teacher-student relations in the direction of developing the independence of the latter.

Members of the Department of Human, Regional Geography and Tourism, 2020


The members of Human, Regional Geography and Tourism Department are well-known in the country and abroad. It is obvious from the number of invitations to participate in different conferences, congresses, scientific sessions.

Elena Sochirca, PhD, Associate Professor – has been working at the Faculty of Geography since 2003

Areas of scientific and didactical skills: Geodemography, Didactics of Geography, Education Sciences, Spatial Planning, Project Management, Rural Tourism.

Scientific publications: over 70

Other professional skills: Member of the Editorial Board of the Online Journal Romanian Review of Geographical Education ISSN 2285-939X, ISSN-L2285-939X (UBB, Cluj-Napoca) and in Scientific Committee of the Journal Repere Geografice, Iaşi. member of the Commission for the certification of teachers in Geography; member of the National Olympic Council in Geography.

Applied (institutional) scientific research projects
15.817.06. 12A.The study of cultural landscapes on the territory of the Republic of Moldova in the context of sustainable development (2015 – 2018);

Scientific research projects for young researchers 15.819.06.16A. Geodemographic evaluation of the population quality of the Republic of Moldova (2015 – 2016).
State Program: Methodology of ICT implementation in the process of studying the real sciences in the education system of the Republic of Moldova from the perspective of inter / transdisciplinarity (STEAM concept) 20.80009.0807.20 (2020-2023).

Petru Prunici, PhD, Associate Professor – has been working at the Faculty of Geography since 1989

Graduated studies: Faculty of Geography, specialty Geography and Biology, Tiraspol State University. PhD in Geography.

Areas of scientific and didactical skills: Geography of Continents and Oceans, Physical Geography of the Republic of Moldova.

Scientific publications: over 70

Other professional skills: Expert evaluator ANACEC, Member of the scientific seminar of profile in Ecology; member of Geographers’ Society of the Republic of Moldova.

Participations in projects: He implemented scientific projects funded by the World Bank, Global Environmental Fund, CRDF and MRDA, Izaak Walton League of USA and REC Moldova.
State program: 20.80009.7007.24. Changes and spatio-temporal trends of the environmental components of the Bâc river basin under anthropogenic impact, 03.01.2020-31.12.2023.

Elena Taban, PhD, Associate Professor – has been working at TSU since 1988 as an accountant. Within the Faculty of Geography she has been working since 2008.

Graduated studies: Faculty of Economics, specialty: Accounting and Financial Analysis, MSU (1987); Faculty of Pedagogy, specialty Pedagogy of Primary Education (1996), Master’s degree in Psycho-Pedagogy, TSU, (2007); doctoral studies (2008), UCCM.

Areas of scientific and didactical skills: Finance, accounting, economic analysis, tourism management.

Scientific publications: over 38

Other professional skills: member of the Senate and the Administrative Council of the TSU (until 2016); ANACIP evaluator (2017); trainer 2015-2018 in collaboration with ACAP, LED association, GIZ, AAP, scientific-practical journal “Accounting and Auditing” and institutions from APL); GIZ expert in the project “Modernization of local public services in the Republic of Moldova” (2018).

Vitalie Mamot, PhD, Associate Professor, has been working at the Faculty of Geography since 1994

Graduated studies: Faculty of Geography, specialty Geography and Biology, Tiraspol State University, Chisinau.

Areas of scientific and didactical skills: Human Geography, Historical Geography, Geographic Information Systems, Geography of Natural Resources.

Scientific publications: over 70

Participations in projects:
15.817.06.12A. The study of cultural landscapes on the territory of the Republic of Moldova in the context of sustainable development (2015 – 2018);
State program: 20.80009.7007.24. Changes and spatio-temporal trends of the environmental components of the Bâc river basin under anthropogenic impact, 03.01.2020-31.12.2023.

Vadim Cujba, PhD, Lecturer – has been working at the Faculty of Geography since 2007

Graduated studies: Faculty of Geography, specialty Geography and History, Tiraspol State University; PhD in Economic and Social Geography.

Areas of scientific and didactical skills: Tourism and Regional Development, Management of Tourist Destinations, Technique of Tourism Operations.

Scientific publications: over 50

Other professional skills: Member of ASEM Doctoral School (specialty 154.01. Economic and Social Geography). Member of the Licensing Commission and the Evaluation Committee of the master theses (Hotel and Tourism Services specialty) within the Faculty of Geography; responsible for the specialization practice of the students from cycle I and II.

Participations in projects:

Applied (institutional) scientific research projects

11.817.08.05A.The impact of natural and anthropic factors on the geo – and ecosystems on the territory of the Republic of Moldova in order to improve the management of natural resources and the conservation of representative areas (2011 – 2014);

15.817.06.12A.The study of cultural landscapes on the territory of the Republic of Moldova in the context of sustainable development (2015 – 2018); 15.819.06.16A. Geodemographic evaluation of the population quality of the Republic of Moldova (2015 – 2016).

State program: 20.80009.7007.24. Changes and spatio-temporal trends of the environmental components of the Bâc river basin under anthropogenic impact, 03.01.2020-31.12.2023.

Lucia Capatina, PhD, lecturer, MSc has been working at the Faculty of Geography since 2005

Graduated studies: Faculty of Geography, specialty Geography and Tourism, Tiraspol State University, Chisinau (2001-2005), Faculty of Geography, Master’s degree in Geography, Tiraspol State University (2006-2007), Faculty of Geography, Master’s degree in Environmental Sciences, the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (2008-2009), doctoral studies, specialty 11.00.11. – Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources, Faculty of Geography, Tiraspol State University (2008-2011).

Areas of scientific and didactical  skills: Tourism Resources, Tourism Services, Research Methods in Tourism, Ecotourism, Agrotourism.

Scientific publications: over 30

Other professional skills: national consultant in tourism, trade and transport of the elaboration of the Strategy on biological diversity of the Republic of Moldova for 2015-2020 and the Action Plan of its implementation.

Participations in projects:

1) Project EP105044 – Collection of vulnerability indices for the Republic of Moldova (for the whole territory of the country), financed by  PPRD East – 2014 program, project manager;

2) Institutional project 11.817.05.31F – Estimation of the natural and chemical risks in ensuring the ecological safety of the sociogeosystem: the case study – Central area of Moldova, 2011 – 2014,  scientific researcher;

3) Institutional project 15.817.06.12A / 74 Inst – The study of cultural landscapes on the territory of the Republic of Moldova in the context of sustainable development, (2015 – 2018), scientific researcher.

State program: 20.80009.7007.24. Changes and spatio-temporal trends of the environmental components of the Bâc river basin under anthropogenic impact, 03.01.2020-31.12.2023.

Silvia Suvac, PhD, Lecturer – has been working at the Faculty of Geography since 2013

Graduated studies: Bachelor of Science in Education, Faculty of Geography, specialty Geography and English, Tiraspol State University, Chisinau; Master’s degree in Educational Sciences, Faculty of Geography, specialty Geography and Educational Technologies, Tiraspol State University, Chisinau.

Areas of scientific and didactical skills: Regional Human Geography, Geodemography, Geography branches of the world economy.

Scientific publications: over 15

Participations in projects: Project for young researchers “Geodemographic evaluation of population quality of the Republic of Moldova”, 2015-2016.

MAISTRU Rodica, PhD, Associate Professor, has been working at the Faculty of Geography since 1983

Areas of scientific and didactical skill: Philosophy, Economic European Integration

Scientific publications: over 30

CREȚU Vasile, PhD, lecturer, has been working at the Faculty of Geography since 1989

Graduated studies: Faculty of History, Belarusian State University, Minsk; Master’s degree in Educational Sciences, Faculty of Geography, specialty Geography and Educational Technologies, Tiraspol State University, Chisinau.

Areas of scientific and didactical skill: Economic European Integration

Scientific publications: over 25

PREPELIŢA Afanasie, lecturer, MSc – has been working at the Faculty of Geography since 1984

Graduated studies: Faculty of Geography, specialty Geography Tiraspol State University, Chisinau (1979-1984), doctoral studies, specialty Paleogeography, Institute of Geography of the Academy of Sciences URSS (Moscow) (1987-1990).

Areas of scientific and didactical skill: Geology, Paleogeography, Physical Geography

Scientific publications: over 50

Participations in projects:

15.817.06.12A. The study of cultural landscapes on the territory of the Republic of Moldova in the context of sustainable development (2015 – 2018);

State program: 20.80009.7007.24. Changes and spatio-temporal trends of the environmental components of the Bâc river basin under anthropogenic impact, 03.01.2020-31.12.2023.

Elena Jechiu, lecturer, MSc –  has been working at the Faculty of Geography since 2004

Graduated studies: Faculty of Geography, specialty Geography and Biology, Tiraspol State University, Chisinau. Master’s degree in Geography.

Areas of scientific and didactical skill: Geodemography, Tourist Arrangements, Rural Tourism.

Scientific publications: over 10

Participations in projects:

Applied (institutional) scientific research projects

15.817.06.12A.The study of cultural landscapes on the territory of the Republic of Moldova in the context of sustainable development (2015 – 2018);

Scientific research projects for young researchers

15.819.06.16A. Geodemographic evaluation of the population quality of the Republic of Moldova (2015 – 2016).

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Delectus doloremque quae quasi, sint illum numquam eum repudiandae iure quos voluptatibus distinctio consectetur similique soluta iusto accusantium, reiciendis recusandae nam veniam.

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